
Digital entrepreneurship is seen as a crucial driver of economic growth and job creation, and the European Commission has placed a strong emphasis on promoting digital entrepreneurship through various initiatives and policies. However, there is still a significant gap in such skills across the European Union. SMEs represent an important source of employment and are economic motors for the EU, yet they are often at a disadvantage to upskilling their employees and/or recruiting the skills most in demand today. Furthermore, in the working career, a drop out from the labour force during the mature stage of life can cause a lot of risk to the re-employment possibilities. It is in this context that the project aims to upskill unemployed and in transition adults. DIGITMI will develop a training package for these target groups covering (1) digital entrepreneurial competences and (2) e-commerce. The importance of e- commerce is significant as the market is expected to continue to grow, and traditional shopping habits are changing, especially due to the current external effects. E-commerce has reduced costs of launch than traditional shops, so it can be a good choice for those, who have a good idea but not enough financial capacity to start.


To provide them with the necessary skills to become digital entrepreneurs.

To help them learning how to start and grow a successful online business.

To provide them with the skills needed to create and manage an online presence for their business.

To teach them how to with the skills needed to sell products and services online.


Work Package 2: Research on DIGITMI Skills

In-depth exploration of the essential digital entrepreneurship skills crucial for success within the digital economy. It aims to gather comprehensive insights into the skill sets vital for the target group’s advancement in this domain.

Work Package 3: DIGITMI Microlearning Course Development

Creation and implementation of the DIGITMI microlearning courses. These courses are specifically designed to cater to the identified skill gaps and empower individuals with the necessary knowledge and competencies in digital entrepreneurship.

Work Package 4: Pilot Testing and Micro-Credentials Recognition

This stage involves the crucial aspect of pilot testing the developed courses. It also includes the identification and validation of micro-credentials that carry significant recognition value. Through this process, project aims to enhance the upskilling efforts by providing tangible recognition for acquired digital entrapreneurship competencies.


Microlearning courses on topics such e-commerce management, social media marketing, SEO positioning, and set up of a professional website

A pilot phase of the courses followed by mentoring sessions where trainees will be supposed to assemble their “digital” business plan.
A micro-credential recognition scheme that allow the trainees to have the knowledge acquired certified through the open badges system.


 The International Report is out now! 

 The International Report is out now! 

After a joint effort and a thorough study of the partners' national contexts, the Digitmi "International Report on Digital Entrepreneurship Training and Key Skills to Succeed in the Digital Economy" has been finally uploaded on the Digitmi Website. In this report,...

The 2nd Transnational Meeting in Prague

The 2nd Transnational Meeting in Prague

On the 12th and 13th of June, the Digitmi consortium has met once again, this time in Prague, hosted by the Czech partner Mise HERO. After the completion of the Digitmi International Report on the Digital Entrepreneurial Skills and the Digital Enterprise landscape,...
